Category: Liberalism Gone Wild

  • Teen Sex and the Destruction of the Heart

    Teen Sex and the Destruction of the Heart

    According to the Center for Disease Control almost half of high school children have had sex, usually by the age of 16. This is troubling for the fight against AIDS as most victims are 30 years old or younger. But the real issue is not the spread of disease, but the destruction of the heart.…

  • City Code Trumps US Constitution in Phoenix as Pastor goes to Jail

    City Code Trumps US Constitution in Phoenix as Pastor goes to Jail

    There is no freedom of religion in the city of Phoenix as local bureaucratic zoning codes supersede the US constitution (see Article 1) . Pastor Michael Salman is now serving a 60 day jail term and will likely pay thousands of dollars in fines for having as many as 15 people at his home for…

  • Obesity and the Food Police

    Obesity and the Food Police

    The city of New York is already considering a ban on large surgery drinks as it loosens its stance on marijuana, but wait there’s more. The New York board of health, handpicked by Michael Bloomberg, has decided to add milk based products and movie theater popcorn to the list of potential banned products in its…

  • Wildfires and Earthworshipers

    Wildfires and Earthworshipers

    Record breaking fires are sweeping across New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado and firefighters are at the mercy of drought conditions and poor land management. After the large fires that raged last year across the Southwest, officials knew the conditions were only going to get worse this year. Environmentalists and others would rather see our forests…

  • The Private Sector is NOT Fine, Mr. President

    The Private Sector is NOT Fine, Mr. President

    President Obama claims that the private sector is doing just fine. “Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government. Oftentimes cuts initiated by, you know, Governors or mayors who are not getting the kind of help that they have in the past from the federal government and who…