Category: General

  • Cost of Living and the Liberal Agenda

    The cost of living for February, in the United States, saw its biggest increase in the last year. This due mostly to the increase in the price of gasoline. Despite signs of a weak and modest economic recovery, the president and congress continue to embrace policies that will ensure the demise of the American economy.…

  • Bill Richardson and the Enemy

    Former New Mexico governor, Bill Richardson, is taking money from terrorists in exchange for making speeches favorable to terrorist controlled countries like Iran. Mr. Richardson is also a former US ambassador to the UN. As such he is honor bound to stand with the United States and against her enemies. You might remember we are…

  • Attacks on Israel

    Israel has come under increased attacks in Gaza by the Palestinian terrorists just across the border in land Israel was forced to give up. These terrorists are mostly funded by Iran, the very country Israel is worried will complete a nuclear weapon, and that President Obama and the world does not want Israel to defend…

  • Proud to be an American, Should I Apologize?

    Proud to be an American, Should I Apologize?

    A group of high school students in San Antonio are being singled out for chanting USA at a basketball game held here in the United States of America. The students are being forced to apologize for making such racist cheers. It appears that nationalist and patriotic attitudes held by Americans at an American school are…

  • Energy and the Last Days

    The secretary of energy, Stephan Chu, has admitted before congress that the Obama administration has no desire to reduce the cost of gas in the United States. In fact, he believes that it is best to keep gas prices high in order to encourage innovation while decreasing our dependency on foreign oil. It has been…

  • To Love Jesus Like an Iranian Pastor

    The Iranian Christian pastor, Youcef Nadarkhani, still faces the death penalty for not only converting to Christianity, but teaching his children and other to follow Jesus Christ. According to the teachings of Islam and the laws of Iran it is blasphemy to convert from Islam to Christianity and carries a mandatory death penalty. But as…