We, as a nation or states, cannot legislate morality. Take the case of Desmond Hatchett, the 33 year old man who has had 30 children with 11 different women. Mr. Hatchett is tired of paying child support. He is having trouble making ends meet with the state taking half of the paycheck of his minimum wage job. So what is a society to do? Do we continue to pay for the children he has and the children he will have.
The bible describes wages and penalties for sin. There is no way to stop Mr. Hatchett from reproducing because we have removed the natural consequences of his actions. The women with whom he is having children will be almost taken care of by the state and the children will be raised in an ungodly home further degrading our society. What is the solution? The answers are found in the pages of scripture, if we have an ear to hear.