The President and Same Sex Marriage

Well, there is a theme this week as the President of the United States of America, Barack Husein Obama has the dubious distinction of being the first US president to declare that same sex couples should have the right to marry. What is important to note is that Mr. Obama has made this statement as a sitting president and as such is speaking for America’s citizens as their dually elected leader. This may not mean very much to most people or even to the president himself, but this pronouncement has been recorded and noted in the heavenlies.

The bible tells us that there are no idle words, that every word spoken is recorded, and we are held accountable. How much more will God hold to account the words of a legitimate leader of a country that holds influence over much of earth. As with the king of ancient Babylon who thought nothing of the truths of God and saw a finger writing on the wall, our leaders will be measured. Will they be found to come up short?



