Warming Fires

So called scientists are making the claim that the New Mexico fires of this year(2011) were the result of drier conditions brought about by global warming. This tired exercise in junk science has used manipulated data that has been proven inaccurate time and again.

New Mexico, Arizona and West Texas have had recorded droughts for as long as we have kept records.Drought conditions were so bad in Texas back in 1887, that congress tried to authorize aid in buying seed for stricken farmers, but Grover Cleveland famously vetoed the aid as unconstitutional.

Scientists and politicians must keep climate change alive to drive money and influence to their agenda and advance their worldview. We have seen many a government program launched for just this reason. NASA has even launched a new satellite for the express purpose of measuring the earth’s temperature.

The bible tells that this world will melt with a fervent heat and that the cause is man-made. It is not fossil fuels causing this destruction, the dust bowl of the 20’s and 30’s were not caused by the then new automobile. The bible tells us that the earth still groans because it is subjected to man’s sinful condition. As Ray Comfort pointed out, you can lead an atheist to the truth but you can’t make him think.



