The Saggy D.A.

Deshon Marman, the UNM football player more known for his fashion than his football, has had the good fortune to have all of the charges against him dropped from the incident on an airplane when he refused lawful orders from the pilot and law enforcement officials. He was even accused of assaulting that officer. But the DA of San Mateo County has chosen to dismiss charges because they had more important things to deal with.

I would argue that what is at issue here is not saggy pants or even race, but a lack of respect for authority on the part of this young man. The bible states that we should submit to the authorities placed over us, living peaceably as is possible. The DA has caved to political pressure and given this man a pass because the case is a hot potato. When we fail to enforce the law and allow celebrities to do as they please we create lawlessness.


